Planning application

Planning Application LCC/2024/0013

New SearchComment on this application

Lancaster City Council
Leapers Wood Quarry, Kellet Road, Carnforth, LA6 1BP
Amendment to conditions 1,2,4,6, 40 and 41 of planning permission ref 01/03/1185 to permit an extension in the depth of the quarry to -37m AOD, continued working of the quarry until 31st December 2064 with interim restoration by 31st December 2065 and final restoration by 31st December 2078 and consequent amendments to the working scheme and restoration proposals.
Tarmac Trading Limited
Mr Clive Saul
Quorn House Meeting Street Quorn Loughborough LE12 8EX
The Arc 6 Mallard Way Pride Park Derby DE24 8GX
No Neighbour

Consultee list

Consultee Name Date Letter Sent Consultation Expiry Date
Lead Local Flood Authority 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
CARNFORTH TOWN COUNCIL 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
Ecology Service 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
LCC Highways Development Control 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
National Highways 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
NATURAL ENGLAND 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
NETHER KELLET 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
OVER KELLET PARISH COUNCIL 12/06/2024 12/07/2024
PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY 12/06/2024 12/07/2024

Constraints list

1 . Agricultural Land: GRADE 3
2 . Agricultural Land: GRADE 4
3 . Quarry: Leapers Wood Quarry, Status: A
4 . Quarry: Leapers Wood, Status: C
5 . Quarry: Leapers Wood, Status: C
6 . Quarry: Leapers Wood Quarry, Status: A
7 . PROW District: , Parish: , Path:
8 . SSSI Impact Risk Zone: Infrastructure;Wind/Solar;Minerals/Oil/Gas;Rural Non-Residential;Rural Residential;Air Pollution;Combustion;Waste;Discharge;
9 . Local Geodiversity Site:
10 . Limestone Pavement Order Name: Over Kellet LPO
11 . Biological Heritage Site Name: Long Riddings Wood, Ref: 56NW02
12 . Biological Heritage Site Name: Leaper's Wood, Bowman Stout Wood and Slack's Wood, Ref: 56NW09
13 . Biological Heritage Site Name: Kit Bill Wood, Ref: 56NW10
14 . Biological Heritage Site Name: Kellet Road Verges, Ref: 57SW01
15 . Ancient & Semi-Natural Woodland
16 . Ancient Replanted Woodland
17 . Surface Water Flooding Risk: Less
18 . Surface Water Flooding Risk: Less
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118 . Surface Water Flooding Risk: Intermediate
119 . Surface Water Flooding Risk: Intermediate
Committee Decision / Delegated to Chief Officer
Committee Date

Decision Issued Date

Application subject to Legal Agreement
Completion of Legal Agreement
Appeal Date

Appeal Decision

Planning Officer
Jonathan Haine
Contact Email Address
Contact Telephone Number
01772 534130

To view individual documents click on the file name for the required row and the document will open. To download a selection of individual documents place a tick alongside each of the ones you wish to view and then click on Download selected files.

Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application form
ApplicationFormRedacted(218).pdf (388 kb) Application Form 28/05/2024
Additional-information-in-respect-of-mineral-and-waste-operations - Leapers Wood Quarry.pdf (143 kb) Application Form Part 3 28/05/2024
D.004 Location Plan - Leapers Wood Quarry (FINAL).pdf (4985 kb) D.004 Location Plan 28/05/2024
D.009 Current Situation - Leapers Wood (FINAL).pdf (1158 kb) D.009 Current Situation 28/05/2024
D.019 Phase 1 - Leapers Wood (FINAL).pdf (2509 kb) D.019 Phase 1 - Operations 28/05/2024
D.020 Phase 2 - Leapers Wood (FINAL).pdf (2070 kb) D.020 Phase 2 28/05/2024
D.021 Phase 3 - Leapers Wood (FINAL).pdf (2131 kb) D.021 Phase 3 28/05/2024
D.022 Phase 4 - Leapers Wood (FINAL).pdf (2381 kb) D.022 Phase 4 28/05/2024
D.023 Phase 5 - Leapers Wood (FINAL).pdf (2433 kb) D.023 Phase 5 28/05/2024
D.024 Concept Restoration - Leapers Wood (FINAL).pdf (2283 kb) D.024 Concept Restoration 28/05/2024
Supporting Information
Planning Statement (FINAL)(2).pdf (663 kb) Planning statement 28/05/2024
Statement of Community Involvement (FINAL).pdf (311 kb) Statement of community involvement 28/05/2024
Consultation Responses
National Highways 0013_Redacted.pdf (815 kb) 17/06/2024 National Highways Comments 18/06/2024
LCC-2024-0013 - LLFA Response.pdf (93 kb) 28/06/2024 LLFA comments 28/06/2024
Environmental Statement
Environmental Statement (FINAL) - Leapers Wood Quarry.pdf (3717 kb) Environmental Statement 10/06/2024
ES Appendices - Contents.pdf (205 kb) Appendices - Contents 28/05/2024
ES Appendix A - EIA Scoping Report.pdf (5722 kb) Appendix A - EIA Scoping Report 28/05/2024
ES Appendix B - EIA Scoping Opinion.pdf (250 kb) Appendix B - EIA Scoping Opinion 28/05/2024
ES Appendix C - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.pdf (12420 kb) Appendix C - Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment 28/05/2024
ES Appendix D - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal.pdf (2804 kb) Appendix D - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal 28/05/2024
ES Appendix E - Transport Assessment_Redacted.pdf (5158 kb) Appendix E - Transport Assessment 10/06/2024
ES Appendix F - Noise Assessment.pdf (6429 kb) Appendix F - Noise Assessment 28/05/2024
ES Appendix G - Air Quality and Health Impact Briefing Note.pdf (843 kb) Appendix G - Air Quality & Health Impact Breifing 28/05/2024
ES Appendix H - Groundborne Vibration and Air Overpressure Assessment.pdf (305 kb) Appendix H - Groundborne Vibration & Air Overpressue Assessment 28/05/2024
ES Appendix I - Flood Risk Assessment.pdf (9189 kb) Appendix I - Flood Risk Assessment 28/05/2024
ES Appendix J - Hydrogeological Impact Assessment.pdf (14875 kb) Appendix J - Hydrogeological Impact Assessment 28/05/2024
ES Appendix K - Geotechnical Stability Assessment (Boreholes and Drawings).pdf (12139 kb) Appendix K - Geotechnical Stability Assessment - Boreholes & Drawings 28/05/2024
NTS (FINAL).pdf (736 kb) Non-Technical Summary 28/05/2024
Site Notice
Site Notice.pdf (173 kb) Site Notice 12/06/2024