Planning application

Planning Application CRT/2024/0002

New SearchComment on this application

East Quarry, Appley Lane North, Appley Bridge, WN6 9AE
Lawful development certificate to reduce the water depth to between 0.5 and 1 metre by raising the quarry floor
Maybrook Investments Ltd
Meryll House 57 Worcester Road Bromsgrove Worcestershire B61 7DN
No Neighbour

Consultee list

No Consultees

Constraints list

No Constraints
Committee Decision / Delegated to Chief Officer
Committee Date

Decision Issued Date

Application subject to Legal Agreement
Completion of Legal Agreement
Appeal Date

Appeal Decision

Planning Officer
Jonathan Haine
Contact Email Address
Contact Telephone Number
01772 534130

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Application form
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate 2 redacted.pdf (473 kb) Application Form 10/07/2024
Supporting Information
PLANNING STATEMENT To Accompany Revised Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development Applicant.pdf (296 kb) Planning Statement 10/07/2024
Appendix 1 Location Plan.pdf (363 kb) Appendix 1 Location Plan 10/07/2024
Appendix 2 Safety Report. Appley Lane North. 20.01.2022_Redacted.pdf (644 kb) Appendix 2 Safety Report 10/07/2024
Appendix 3 Damage to Fence.pdf (3287 kb) Appendix 3 Damage to Fence 10/07/2024
Appendix 4 Coroners Statement.pdf (194 kb) Appendix 4 Coroners Statement 10/07/2024
Appendix 5 Drawing.pdf (985 kb) Appendix 5 Drawings 10/07/2024